What are the system requirements for WebIDQ?

WebIDQ client requirements | cloud and on-premises

Component Requirement
Web browser Edge or Chrome (latest version)
Memory a minimum of 8 GB RAM
Processor a minimum of 6 cores (Intel i7 10th generation, AMD 5000 series or comparable)
Network stable broadband internet connection required

Grant outbound access to

  • *.biocrates.com on port 443
  • On-premises subscription: WebIDQ on-premises server on port 9090 (or 443 if you are using a reverse proxy)
Grafical overview

WebIDQ server requirements | on-premises only

Hardware where the database and WebIDQ installation are hosted.

For the installation administrative access rights are necessary. Please consult your local IT department!

Component Requirement
OS Windows 10 or later, 64-bit architecture
Memory a minimum of 16 GB RAM
Processor a minimum of 8 cores (vCPU, Intel i7 10th generation, AMD 5000 series or comparable)
Software Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 or later
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (32 & 64 bit each): 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2013
Database options PostgreSQL version 12 or later. No updates and support provided by biocrates.
Network stable broadband internet connection required

Grant outbound access to

  • *.biocrates.com on Port 443
  • Database (if hosted on different server)

Grant inbound access to

  • WebIDQ on-premises server on ports 9091, 9092 (WebIDQ services) and
  • WebIDQ on-premises server on port 9090 or
  • For a secured internal access to WebIDQ on-premises server on port 443, please ask your IT department to set up a reverse proxy on your WebIDQ on-premises server and contact us for updating the WebIDQ settings.
Graphical overview
