MxP® Quant 500 XL assay

Product number: 438

The MxP® Quant 500 XL offers the largest combination of lipids and metabolites for targeted metabolic profiling in a single kit. Powered by biocrates’ standardized, quality-controlled, and reproducible metabolomics technology, the ready-to-use kit covers more than 1,000 compounds from various biochemical classes. With more than 400 quantifiable metabolism indicators, covering hundreds of metabolic pathways, researchers will be equipped with the right solution for a more comprehensive understanding of health and disease.

Metabolites covered

  • Small molecules
  • Polar Lipids
  • Neutral Lipids

Complete list

Comprehensive Analytical Portfolio_Hand Globus

Comprehensive analytical portfolio

Project Management_Checkboard

Project management

Advance Pathway Interpretation_Pathway Zelle

Data analysis and biostatistics

Comprehensive Coverage_Pathway

Interpretation and pathway analysis
