
Expert data consulting

Product number: 437

Package includes

  • Expert video call (one hour):
    • Overview of your project’s goals and structure
    • Recommended data analysis strategy tailored to your project
    • Step-by-step explanation of the suggested strategy
    • Discussion of the next step for your project
  • Expert recommendations and summary slides for your data analysis strategy

Expert data consulting

This service is for you if:

  • You have a biocrates dataset
  • You need guidance to plan your statistical analysis
  • You are unsure whether you have exploited your data to the fullest

Our data analysis and interpretation experts are here to answer your questions in a video call.

Call preparation:

You will receive a questionnaire about the data you are working with to complete and return to us before the call. This document helps us to prepare the most appropriate data analysis strategy for your project, which we will discuss during our conversation.

After the call:

You will receive a written summary of the data analysis strategy for your project, including changes applied during the call if relevant.
